What do Mormons believe? How different are their beliefs from those of the mainstream of Christianity? This introductory article summarizes the teachings of the LDS Church from its official publications.
Articles on the often contentious question of whether Mormonism is Christian.
Chapter-by-chapter analysis and response to the LDS doctrinal manual Gospel Principles.
The LDS Church claims that only by being faithful Mormons and going through its temple ceremonies can families live together forever. This article raises troubling questions for this attractive claim.
This article looks at Amos 8:11-12 in its historical and biblical context and responds to the Mormon claim that this passage predicts a total apostasy.
by John L. Brooke — This book examines the evidence that the esoteric philosophical lore of "hermeticism" was a major influence on Joseph Smith's religious ideas. The author teaches history at Tufts University.
Biblical Christianity is monotheistic; Mormon theology is polytheistic.
Here you will find several articles addressing the Mormon teachings about God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the doctrine of the Trinity.
The LDS Church teaches that all human beings existed as spirits in heaven before their mortal lives. What does the Bible say on this subject?
The LDS Church teaches that human beings have the potential to become gods with the same nature and powers as God. The articles here examine this Mormon doctrine, known as exaltation or eternal progression.
All of our resources pertaining to Mormonism listed in one place.