Sharing your faith with an LDS friend, family member, neighbor or co-worker is as much about your attitude as it is your approach. The articles and information here can help you with both.
VIDEO: Helping Mormons Find the Sum of Their Sins. Joel Groat shares a summary of his strategic approach to making the gospel of grace relevant to Mormons without attacking Mormonism. This 35 minute video was recorded live at a training session for Christian missionaries in Ephraim, UT.
Engaging with Mormons in their Spaces
A Guide to interacting with LDS people when you’re their guest at temples, visitor centers, and pageants.
Manti Outreach Survey
This is a flowchart-style survey our mission team used to engage with people attending the Mormon Miracle Pageant in Manti, Utah. The goal was to engage people and simply get a conversation started that was more about them than us. We were looking for relational connections regardless of where the conversation went. We wanted to avoid treating other people as 'projects' and this tool helped make that happen. Users have permission to modify or adapt it to suit their circumstances so long as the primary goal is establishing redemptive relationships with the people with whom they are engaging.
How to Know You Have Eternal Life Now
Users have permission to download, copy, and use this sheet free of charge.
Is it Official or Folk Mormon Teaching?
This sheet contains a series of nine statements about Mormon history or teaching. We went to this sheet if the person did not want to pursue having eternal life. The goal is to read each of the statements to a person and have them designate each one as either O (Official teaching) or F (Folk Mormonism or False). The bottom of the sheet has the links to where the ideas that are official can be found on the official LDS church website, or where they idea came from, whether an official source has denied or refused to affirm the statement.
During our street outreach we had the last two sheets copied back-to-back and at the end of the conversation offered to let the person have the sheet regardless of which side we went through with them. Most people happily took the sheet to refer to at a later time.
Users have permission to download, copy, and use this resource free of charge.
Did you find these resources helpful or effective? Please write us via our contact form and let us know how and where you used them and with what results. Thank you!
Impacting Mormons at Your Door:
5 simple steps to avoid arguments and share your faith
Impacting Mormons at Your Door:
Printable PDF: For a handy half-page version, print two copies, photocopy back to back and cut in half.
Witnessing to Mormons
Excellent overview article by a person who’s been doing it for over 30 years. References books and websites that go into greater depth and detail.
Mormon Belief Continuum: Helping Mormons Making the Spiritual Journey Home.
Video of live training session on reaching Mormons given by Joel B Groat in Ephraim, Utah.
The Myth of Mormon Families Forever – Video of live Seminar presentation at MidWestern Theological Seminary. Addresses key aspects of LDS culture related to belief, doubt, deception and how the concept of "Mormon Families Forever" does not work even within their own system. Concludes with suggestions for engaging Mormons relationally with this material rather than confrontationally.
Moving Mormons to a Personal Awareness of Sin
This article was originally featured in the Effective Evangelism column of the Christian Research Journal.
Is someone you care about being wooed by Mormons?
A whole webpage of what to do (and what not to do) when someone you care about is seriously considering the Mormon religious system.