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Engaging with Mormons in their Spaces

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Engaging with Mormons in their Spaces

A Guide to interacting with LDS people when you’re their guest at temples, visitor centers, and pageants
Joel B. Groat

Long after people forget what you’ve said or what you’ve done, they will remember how you made them feel.  (Unknown) 

When you are a guest in someone else’s religious space, you are just that – a guest. Honor them with the same attitudes and actions you would expect from them if they were a guest in your home or church. 

Basic Guidelines

  • Be respectful. (Graciousness and common courtesy never go out of style.)
  • Don’t quarrel.  (Check your heart – is it ramping up for war or calmly seeking peace?) 
  • Be kind and genuine. (Avoid being fake nice.) 
  • Be meek. (Strength under control, not strength to control.) 
  • Be gentle. (Think heart surgery rather than home demolition.) 
  • Engage with divine curiosity. Pursue them with a heart to know them as a fellow image-bearer of God 
  • Be intentional.  (It’s okay to have a plan. It’s not okay to have an agenda.) 
  • Be aware of the spiritual dimension. The fight is never against flesh and blood, so the person in front of you is never the enemy. 
  • Use questions to engage, clarify, and connect. (It’s difficult to argue with a question.) 
  • Remember 2 Timothy 2:24-26 (This is a good one to memorize.) 


Questions to ask Mormons that Show Redemptive Curiosity 

Our goal when we engage is connection, not conversion. Only God can change a heart.

We want to leave the person with seeds of truth and pebbles in their shoe. 

  • How long have you been a member?
  • Are you a convert or born into the faith?
  • How long have you been on your mission? (If an official LDS missionary with the name tag)
  • Were you hoping for this assignment?
  • What would have been your dream assignment?
  • What do you hope/plan to do when you get done with your mission?
  • What does your church teach about commandment-keeping?  Is it important?
  • Why is commandment-keeping important?
  • How are you doing with keeping God’s (or your faith’s) commandments?
  • What happens, or what are you supposed to do when you mess up?
  • What is it that separates us from God and keeps us from his favor, his approval, and his presence? (Sin)
  • How many sins can God allow in His presence? (Zero. Mormon scriptures that reinforce this: Book of Mormon - Alma 45:16; Moroni 10:32; Pearl of Great Price – Moses 6:57)
  • Have you ever taken the sum of your sins? (Most people, Mormons included, have little sense of how much they have sinned.)
  • Do you think this scripture is true?
    • Doctrine and Covenants 82:6-7 “And the anger of God kindleth against the inhabitants of the earth; and none doeth good, for all have gone out of the way. And now, verily I say unto you, I, the Lord, will not lay any sin to your charge; go your ways and sin no more; but unto that soul who sinneth shall the former sins return, saith the Lord your God.
  • How much hope is there for anyone to clear their sin ledger if every time we repeat a sin all the former sins return to our account?
  • Did you know Scripture tells of a way to get rid of all our sins permanently right now?
  • Would that be something that interests you? 

If you get a genuine ‘Yes’ to this last question, start with your own story of the difference Jesus has made in your life.


Sharing Your Story

  • Briefly explain who you were before Jesus (lost, a sinner, unable to perfect yourself, estranged from God, more sin on your account than you could ever remember or confess).
  • Share what Jesus did for you – the double exchange or double transfer. All your sins went on Jesus, his perfect righteousness went on you. (2 Corinthians 5:20-21; 1 Peter 2:21-25; Colossians 2:13-14).  This transfer is the work of God on our behalf, it is a gift of life God gives to spiritually dead people. 
  • Share the result in your life – zero sin on your ledger before God forever. You are now adopted as his child, you have an intimate, confident relationship with God that never depends on your performance because Jesus performed perfectly for you.  On your best day, God can’t love you more than he already does, and on your worst day, he can’t love you any less. You no longer have to earn worthiness or God’s approval - they are yours in Christ. You are now free to love God and love others, to live righteously, to abound in good works. You do this out of gratitude and your changed heart/nature because the Holy Spirit of God is with you permanently. God’s Spirit unites your heart, soul and mind to the Father. You are guaranteed eternal life in the presence of God the Father and Jesus Christ because of God’s grace, your faith and trust in His promise, and Christ’s work on your behalf (Ephesians 2:8-10; Hebrews 10:12-14)

In every encounter:

  • trust the Holy Spirit to give you compassion, words, and wisdom
  • allow Him to guide the conversation, and
  • pray the person is brought to repentance and faith in Jesus.

IRR has more resources to help you and your church engage effectively with other faiths.


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