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Latter-day Saints, Mormons, or Christians? How We Refer to Members of the LDS Church

When discussing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the terminology used often becomes the flash point of debates that can distract us from the most important issues. This article explains how we use such terms as Latter-day Saint and Mormon, why we use them the way we do, and why we do not consider members of the LDS Church to be "Christians."

First John in the Book of Mormon

Moroni’s New Testament, Part 3

In Moroni 7-8, the Book of Mormon contains two clear allusions to 1 John. This article takes an in-depth look at this evidence for the use of the Bible in the writings attributed to Moroni.

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Contradictions Between the Book of Mormon and the Bible

There are many serious objections to the claim of Joseph Smith and the LDS church that the Book of Mormon is divinely inspired latter-day scripture supplemental to the Bible. However, none are more significant than the numerous contradictions between Book of Mormon teaching and the Bible.

Do you know how many Biblical passages explicitly teach there is only one God?

The answer may surprise you. Here's a complete list that you can read on screen, store to your hard drive, or print out.

Joseph Smith’s False Prophecies

Evidence from Joseph’s failed predictions that he was not a true prophet of God.

Changes to the Book of Mormon and other LDS Scripture

View scanned images of key altered passages from the original 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon, the 1833 Book of Commandments and the 1851 Pearl of Great Price.
